My intentions are to post about whatever it is that I want to share at blog time.
I'm on Ravelry - Dianetoo - and a favorite forum there is "Reclaiming the Home" Several days of organizing have led to a reclaimed craft room... and here it is.
On the left is the view from the doorway. The sewing machine is always out. Tapestry yarns are on the left with other yarns in baskets. I got the wall hung shelving and drawer set at a thrift shop, part of a set from Denmark - the other pieces ended up in the study. My husband built the white shelves to the left to house my tapestry yarns - but they have far outgrown its dimensions.

Next is some yarn stash with straight needles on the side.
Circulars are in a hanging holder on the left side of the armoire.
The walls are painted "Warm Fleece" which I picked solely based upon the name.
Cleaning this room out made me realize that yarn shopping is NOT something I should indulge in anytime soon. More yarn is hiding in those big baskets. Why does everything look so small in the picture? The shelves are about 5 feet high.

Yarn and spinning stuff (fibers included) are mostly on the right. Needlework is stuffed into a knitting caddy. Sewing - buttons, beads, fabric, notions, laces and trims, notions and all manner of doodads are to the left. The fabrics and boxes at the top of the closet still need to be sorted.
Continuing around the room is the serger desk and craft bookcase, neither of which is pictured - mostly because this is my first post and I have no clue what I am doing on this blog thing!

Hmmm... I didn't fold the pile atop the armoire!
Art supplies are in the top right, Christmas crafting stuff in the bottom left drawer - and most of the rest is home decorating fabric. The armoire is from Freecycle. The craft room is at the top of our two story stilt house. After dragging the armoire up two flights of stairs my husband announced when we sell the house the armoire was staying. It's oak and wasn't a joy to carry.
Thanks to "Reclaiming the Home" this part of my home is now neat, clean, and (almost) organized :)
If anybody can read this it means I have successfully completed my first blog post.
congratulations on your first post!!
i am loving your craft room! I was really inspired by a lot of your storage! It definitely gave me some fabulous ideas for storage and project organization! Thank you!
I'm so glad the Reclaiming The Home group is inspiring you as well. We're so happy to have you!
Thanks, Kristin! You're my first comment!!!
I'm glad my storage gave you some ideas - your Ravelry group is definitely spreading lots of them around :)
My goodness, but that is an organised stash! I wish I had the space at home to have a room dedicated solely to my knitting. You have some stash there!
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